Monthly Flying Stars – July 2020 – Month of the Water Sheep Gui Wei 癸未 (from July 6 to August 6)

In addition to the annual flying stars explained in a dedicated article, there are also monthly flying stars that occupy different areas of your home or workplace for a month. Each area will be occupied by one of the 9 different stars for a complete month. This star will combine during this period with the annual […]
Monthly Flying Stars – June 2020 – Month of the Water Horse Ren Wu 壬午 (from June 5 to July 5)

In addition to the annual flying stars explained in a dedicated article, there are also monthly flying stars that occupy different areas of your home or workplace for a month. Each area will be occupied by one of the 9 different stars for a complete month. This star will combine during this period with the annual […]
Monthly Flying Stars – May 2020 – Month of the Metal Snake Xin Si 辛巳 (from May 5 to June 4)

In addition to the annual flying stars explained in a dedicated article, there are also monthly flying stars that occupy different areas of your home or workplace for a month. Each area will be occupied by one of the 9 different stars for a complete month. This star will combine during this period with the annual […]
Monthly Flying Stars – April 2020 – Month of the Metal Dragon Geng Chen 庚辰 (from April 4 to May 4)

In addition to the annual flying stars explained in a dedicated article, there are also monthly flying stars that occupy different areas of your home or workplace for a month. Each area will be occupied by one of the 9 different stars for a complete month. This star will combine during this period with the annual […]
Monthly Flying Stars – March 2020 – Month of the Earth Rabbit Ji Mao 己卯 (from March 5 to April 3)

In addition to the annual flying stars explained in a dedicated article, there are also monthly flying stars that occupy different areas of your home or workplace for a month. Each area will be occupied by one of the 9 different stars for a complete month. This star will combine during this period with the annual […]
Monthly Flying Stars – February 2020 – Month of the Earth Tiger Wu Yin 戊寅 (from February 4 to March 4)

In addition to the annual flying stars explained in a dedicated article, there are also monthly flying stars that occupy different areas of your home or workplace for a month. Each area will be occupied by one of the 9 different stars for a complete month. This star will combine during this period with the annual […]
Monthly Flying Stars – January 2020 – Month of the Fire Ox – Ding Chou 丁丑 (from January 6th. to February 3rd.)

In addition to the annual flying stars explained in a dedicated article, there are also monthly flying stars that occupy different areas of your home or workplace for a month. Each area will be occupied by one of the 9 different stars for a complete month. This star will combine during this period with the annual […]
Monthly Flying Stars – December 2019 – Month of the Fire Rat – Bing Zi 丙子 (from December 7th to January 5th)

In addition to the annual flying stars explained in a dedicated article, there are also monthly flying stars that occupy different areas of your home or workplace for a month. Each area will be occupied by one of the 9 different stars for a complete month. This star will combine during this period with the annual […]
Monthly Flying Stars – November 2019 – Month of the Wood Pig – Yi Hai 乙亥 ( from November 8th to December 6th)

In addition to the annual flying stars explained in a dedicated article, there are also monthly flying stars that occupy different areas of your home or workplace for a month. Each area will be occupied by one of the 9 different stars for a complete month. This star will combine during this period with the annual […]
Annual Feng Shui Afflictions for 2020

Tai Sui 太歲 Grand Duke Jupiter in North 2 In 2020 Grand Duke Jupiter resides in the North 2, do not disturb this sector at the risk of activating the unfavorable energies of this star that cause bad luck, loss, disease and misfortune. Avoid digging, cutting and renovating in this area. It is advisable when […]