Monthly Flying Stars – September 2019 – month of the Water Rooster – Gui You 癸酉 (from September 8th to October 7th)

In addition to the annual flying stars explained in a dedicated article, there are also monthly flying stars that occupy different areas of your home or workplace for a month. Each area will be occupied by one of the 9 different stars for a complete month. This star will combine during this period with the annual […]
Monthly flying stars – August 2019 – Month of the Water Monkey – Ren Shen 壬申 (August 8 to September 7)

Monthly flying stars – August 2019 – Month of the Water Monkey – Ren Shen 壬申 (August 8 to September 7) In addition to the annual flying stars explained in a dedicated article, there are also monthly flying stars that occupy different areas of your home or workplace for a month. Each area will be occupied […]
Monthly Flying Stars for July 2019 – Month of the Metal Goat – Xin Wei 辛未 (from July 7th to August 7th)

In addition to the annual flying stars explained in a dedicated article, there are also monthly flying stars that occupy different areas of your home or workplace for a month. Each area will be occupied by one of the 9 different stars for a complete month. This star will combine during this period with the annual […]
Monthly Flying Stars for June 2019 – Month of the Metal Horse – Geng Wu 庚午 (from June 6th to July 6th)

In addition to the annual flying stars explained in a dedicated article, there are also monthly flying stars that occupy different areas of your home or workplace for a month. Each area will be occupied by one of the 9 different stars for a complete month. This star will combine during this period with the annual […]
Monthly Flying Stars for May 2019 – Month of the Earth Snake – Ji Si 己巳 (May 6 to June 5)

In addition to the annual flying stars explained in a dedicated article, there are also monthly flying stars that occupy different areas of your home or workplace for a month. Each area will be occupied by one of the 9 different stars for a complete month. This star will combine during this period with the annual […]
Monthly Flying Stars for April 2019 – Month of the Earth Dragon – Wu Chen 戊辰 (from April 5th to May 5th)

In addition to the annual flying stars explained in a dedicated article, there are also monthly flying stars that occupy different areas of your home or workplace for a month. Each area will be occupied by one of the 9 different stars for a complete month. This star will combine during this period with the annual […]
Monthly Flying Stars for March 2019 – Month of the Fire Rabbit – Ding Mao 丁卯 (from March 6th to April 4th)

In addition to the annual flying stars explained in a dedicated article, there are also monthly flying stars that occupy different areas of your home or workplace for a month. Each area will be occupied by one of the 9 different stars for a complete month. This star will combine during this period with the annual […]
Monthly Flying Stars for February 2019 – Month of the Fire Tiger month – Bing Yin 丙寅 (from February 4th to March 5th)

In addition to the annual flying stars explained in a dedicated article, there are also monthly flying stars that occupy different areas of your home or workplace for a month. Each area will be occupied by one of the 9 different stars for a complete month. This star will combine during this period with the annual […]