Need a boost for your health or legal problems?
Do you want a boost to recover or are you entangled in legal problems? In this case this activation is for you!
This month, the month of the Metal Horse – Geng Wu 庚午 from June 6th to July 6th 2019 you will have to activate the Northwest 2 乾 (between 307.5° and 322.5° on a compass). Be specific and use a compass or smartphone to be sure to activate in these 15°. You do not want to inadvertently disturb the Tai Sui in the Northwest 3 亥 or the Three Killings present in the Northwest 1 戌.
How to activate, will you ask me! Don't worry it's not that difficult, just follow the instructions below ...
Between June 6 and July 6, precisely in the 15°, you will have to renovate or dig in the area. Note that simple painting work is not enough, it is best to be in contact with the earth. For example, you could repair a crack in a wall by enlarging it a little and then restoring it … Alternatively, if you have a garden you can dig a hole in the 15° of NO2 and then cover it again. The goal here is to « disturb » the earth in order to activate the favorable energies that will then bring you their support. I trust your creativity to find the ideal solution for you.
You must activate on a day with which you are not in conflict!
How do you know if your Chinese sign is in conflict with the day?
on a Rat 子 day the Horse 午 is in conflict
on a Ox 丑 day the Sheep 未 is in conflict
on a Tiger 寅 day the Monkey 申 is in conflict
on a Rabbit 卯 day the Rooster 酉 is in conflict
on a Dragon 辰 day the Dog 戌 is in conflict
on a Snake 巳 day the Pig 亥 is in conflict
on a Horse 午 day the Rat 子 is in conflict
on a Sheep 未 day the Ox 丑 is in conflict
on a Monkey 申 day the Tiger 寅 is in conflict
on a Rooster 酉 day the Rabbit 卯 is in conflict
on a Dog 戌 day the Dragon 辰 is in conflict
on a Pig 亥 day the Snake 巳 is in conflict