Monthly Flying Stars for July 2019 – Month of the Metal Goat – Xin Wei 辛未 (from July 7th to August 7th)

In addition to the annual flying stars explained in a dedicated article, there are also monthly flying stars that occupy different areas of your home or workplace for a month. Each area will be occupied by one of the 9 different stars for a complete month. This star will combine during this period with the annual […]
Activation for Health or legal issues

Need a boost for your health or legal problems? Do you want a boost to recover or are you entangled in legal problems? In this case this activation is for you! This month, the month of the Metal Horse – Geng Wu 庚午 from June 6th to July 6th 2019 you will have to activate […]
Monthly Flying Stars for June 2019 – Month of the Metal Horse – Geng Wu 庚午 (from June 6th to July 6th)

In addition to the annual flying stars explained in a dedicated article, there are also monthly flying stars that occupy different areas of your home or workplace for a month. Each area will be occupied by one of the 9 different stars for a complete month. This star will combine during this period with the annual […]
Monthly Flying Stars for May 2019 – Month of the Earth Snake – Ji Si 己巳 (May 6 to June 5)

In addition to the annual flying stars explained in a dedicated article, there are also monthly flying stars that occupy different areas of your home or workplace for a month. Each area will be occupied by one of the 9 different stars for a complete month. This star will combine during this period with the annual […]
Monthly Flying Stars for April 2019 – Month of the Earth Dragon – Wu Chen 戊辰 (from April 5th to May 5th)

In addition to the annual flying stars explained in a dedicated article, there are also monthly flying stars that occupy different areas of your home or workplace for a month. Each area will be occupied by one of the 9 different stars for a complete month. This star will combine during this period with the annual […]
Monthly Flying Stars for March 2019 – Month of the Fire Rabbit – Ding Mao 丁卯 (from March 6th to April 4th)

In addition to the annual flying stars explained in a dedicated article, there are also monthly flying stars that occupy different areas of your home or workplace for a month. Each area will be occupied by one of the 9 different stars for a complete month. This star will combine during this period with the annual […]
Monthly Flying Stars for February 2019 – Month of the Fire Tiger month – Bing Yin 丙寅 (from February 4th to March 5th)

In addition to the annual flying stars explained in a dedicated article, there are also monthly flying stars that occupy different areas of your home or workplace for a month. Each area will be occupied by one of the 9 different stars for a complete month. This star will combine during this period with the annual […]
Annual Feng Shui Afflictions for 2019

Tai Sui (Grand Duke Jupiter), Wu Wang (Five Yellow), Sui Po (Year Breaker), San Sha (3 Killings) The afflicted areas during the year of the Earth Pig Tai Sui 太歲 Grand Duke Jupiter in Northwest 3 Do not disturb the Grand Duke Jupiter which resides in the Northwest 3 this year, at the risk of […]
The annual Flying Stars 玄空飛星 for 2019

Every year in Feng Shui, the annual flying Stars change location around February 4, according to the Chinese solar calendar. Throughout the 12 months of the year of the Earth Pig Ji Hai 己亥 2019, there will be 4 sectors within your home or work place that will be affected by unfavorable energies and others […]