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Monthly Flying Stars – November 2019 – Month of the Wood Pig – Yi Hai 乙亥 ( from November 8th to December 6th)

In addition to the annual flying stars explained in a dedicated article, there are also monthly flying stars that occupy different areas of your home or workplace for a month. Each area will be occupied by one of the 9 different stars for a complete month. This star will combine during this period with the annual star that is already located in the same area.

First, identify the areas where your front door, your bedroom, your kitchen and your living room are located and follow the monthly recommendations to set up some elemental cures to either reduce the impact of the negative stars and/or activate the auspicious energies of these areas.

Each diagram is used in the same way: in each of the 9 squares, you will find 2 numbers. The number in the upper left corner indicates the monthly star while the number in the centre indicates the annual star. Use a reliable compass to determine the direction, and then refer to the corresponding square to see the monthly forecasts for each sector. Focus especially on the protection or activation of the areas in which your front door and your bedroom are located!

Star 1 in the Southeast

This combination brings competition at work and more travel. If you are single, take advantage of this sector to increase your charisma and have the expected datings. Married men would do well to focus on their work and avoid distractions they might regret. Watch out for alcohol abuse too and pregnant women should avoid this area.

Star 6 in the South

This sector could be a challenge for teens and children this month. Leg injuries are possible and may be caused by metal objects or car accidents. Headaches will also be more common if you spend too much time in the South. Disputes between father and eldest son may arise as a result of misunderstandings. Install a yin water cure, but remember to change the water daily. Beware of slander and conflict.

Star 8 in the Southwest

The monthly star brings prosperity to the Southwest this month. But, luck is not speculative and you must make sure to protect your wealth against speculative losses. So do not invest this month. Do not wait to see a doctor as soon as you feel that something is wrong with your health.

Star 9 in the East

You can expect intergenerational conflict if you spend too much time in this area. The obstinacy of the father could bring him some problems with his children. Pulmonary problems, headaches and blood pressure are also on the agenda this month. Use a yin water cure to control the fire and reconcile the elements.

Star 2 in the Center

How about finishing the year with a promotion at work? That’s what that combination brings you, as well as more authority and status. However, there may be some obstacles to overcome. Couples who have their bedroom in this area will see a drop in their libido. If your health is already fragile place Metal here to remedy, otherwise the health problems could cause you some financial worries.

Star 4 in the West

Single women who were too busy in February and did not welcome their Prince Charming, have a second chance this month. Spending time in the West will also allow you to achieve great success in the artistic, creative, academic or intellectual fields. It’s a good idea to study here if you have exams to pass. Take advantage of this sector to develop new skills that could bring you promotion to work.

Star 5 in the Northeast

The best is to avoid this area if you can, close the door and do not set foot there, inactivity is the best remedy. If you have to use this sector, put Metal in to mitigate the effects of these two bad stars. This extremely harmful combination could bring you sudden setbacks, loss of money and unexpected problems! Health problems can also occur in the form of upset stomach, abdominal problem, miscarriage …

Star 7 in the North

This month, the North is fostering relationships, especially love stories. If you are single, try to spend more time here to enjoy these good energies. Married couples should be careful because there are indications of infidelity. Disputes between women are to be expected, and especially between sisters. Pregnant women should avoid this area.

Star 3 in the Northwest

The monthly star 3 comes to visit the annual star 9 in the Northwest of your home, allowing you to achieve great successes but they will be tainted by gossip, conflict or even legal action. Do not leave candles unattended in this area and moderate your alcohol intake, your liver may be weakened. Remove the plants from this area and place decorative Metal elements.

三煞 Monthly Three Killings in the West (do not renovate or dig in this sector)

© english translation by Johann Bauer from the french version of l’Agenda & Almanach Feng Shui 2019.

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